

Local Toron­to Film mak­ers please vis­it us start­ing this Mon­day Decem­ber 2nd 2024 at our new digs in the back of the CineCy­cle build­ing, one of the last venues of ana­log film pre­sen­ta­tion in the city!

Locat­ed right behind the 401 Rich­mond Street arts build­ing down the lane off 129 Spad­i­na Ave, in the coach house build­ing where CineCy­cle has kept its doors open to ana­log film screen­ings for more then thir­ty years. We are proud and hon­oured to be a part of this very impor­tant Her­itage site and cul­tur­al hub of the Toron­to film and art scene.

Also acces­si­ble through the 401 Rich­mond Street arts build­ing park­ing lot. This is not a search­able address, I don’t think Siri has been there… best to head out on foot and in the spir­it of adven­ture bold­ly find your own short cut to this small bit of his­to­ry in the busy city.

We wel­come your vis­it to drop off your film or pick up your projects. Leav­ing your film at a cin­e­ma what could be bet­ter! This is a shared space so we have set up a counter to con­trol traf­fic, please ring the bell and one of our staff will be right there to wel­come you. Please be respect­ful of this his­toric site, as well as the peo­ple who work here.

A long over­due pair­ing of sup­port­ers of the Toron­to film scene, CFMDC, CineCy­cle and NCL. Final­ly bring­ing togeth­er the true essence of ana­log film pro­cess­ing, scan­ning, preser­va­tion, dis­tri­b­u­tion and pre­sen­ta­tion. As well as good peo­ple, artists, bicy­cles, pro­jec­tors, cul­ture and his­to­ry right in the heart of the city!

the film lab for artists