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Welcome to Niagara Custom Labs new website

Nia­gara Cus­tom Lab is a full ser­vice motion pic­ture film lab­o­ra­to­ry, one of the last of a rare breed that focus­es on pro­vid­ing the most com­plete and diverse post-pro­duc­tion ser­vices avail­able for cel­lu­loid. Our goal is to pro­vide these very impor­tant ser­vices to those in need, sup­port­ing any­one inter­est­ed in shoot­ing or work­ing with motion pic­ture film by pre­serv­ing and main­tain­ing it as an active artis­tic medium.

Cur­rent­ly we process and print every sup­port­ed motion pic­ture stock avail­able plus many recent­ly dis­con­tin­ued stocks , we are experts at meet­ing set stan­dards as well as push­ing the lim­its of the medi­um with alter­na­tive meth­ods to pro­vide the best results for your work. We hap­pi­ly draw from an expan­sive range of film stocks, tech­niques, expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge of the medi­um to offer ser­vices not avail­able any­where else.

We are a small group of pas­sion­ate arti­sans who are con­tin­u­ous­ly improv­ing and explor­ing the bound­aries of what a film lab­o­ra­to­ry can be, the pos­si­bil­i­ties here are endless.

For a detailed inven­to­ry of all our ser­vices please refer to the price list.
NCL April 2014


Here at Nia­gara we are fol­low­ing the age-old tra­di­tion of crafts­man­ship in film pro­cess­ing and print­ing ini­ti­at­ed over one hun­dred years ago by our fore­fa­thers of pho­to fin­ish­ing, the inven­tors of light sen­si­tive emul­sions and the engi­neers of lengthy film trans­port sys­tems. Film devel­op­ers, fix­ers, bleach­es, clear baths and stop baths all con­tribute to our abil­i­ty to etch into sil­ver the pat­terns on the sur­face of the flex­i­ble medi­um we call film.  There are sev­er­al hun­dred rollers in each pro­cess­ing machine that car­ry the pre­cious cel­lu­loid through its adven­tures in chem­i­cal land, cir­cu­la­tion pumps, heaters, dry­ers, forced air squeegees, tur­bines, relays and dry­ing cab­i­nets.  The goal of those who run Nia­gara Cus­tom Lab is to keep all these mov­ing parts in har­mo­ny, pre­serv­ing and main­tain­ing motion pic­ture film as an active medi­um just as vibrant, alive, mys­te­ri­ous and pow­er­ful as it was the day it was dis­cov­ered. We are very proud of our team and out fleet of machines we have man­aged to main­tain over the years and the count­less fan­tas­tic projects they have con­tributed to, and thank you for your shared love of this irre­place­able medium.